\name{standAloneBuildingLocalAnnotation} \alias{standAloneBuildingLocalAnnotation} \title{Creates a data frame with gene-level annotation data for exon arrays using the netaffx database} \description{ Standalone oneChannelGUI function to create gene-level annotation data using netaffx database. } \usage{ standAloneBuildingLocalAnnotation(libDirLocation = getwd(), netaffxUser = "myemail@somewhere.org", netaffxUserPw = "yourpassword", whichAnnotation = c("HuEx", "MoEx", "RaEx")) } \arguments{ \item{libDirLocation}{Folder where to save the annotation object} \item{netaffxUser}{The email registered to Affymetrix netaffx web site} \item{netaffxUserPw}{The password to access to netaffx} \item{whichAnnotation}{Which annotation table should be used} } \value{ Location of the annotation data frame. } \author{ Raffaele A Calogero } \keyword{ methods }