\name{standAloneAddingAnnotation} \alias{standAloneAddingAnnotation} \title{Attach to a data frame containing gene-level data derived from Affymetrix exon arrays the annotations derived by netaffx} \description{ Standalone oneChannelGUI function attaches gene-level annotation to a data frame. } \usage{ standAloneAddingAnnotation(annotationdf, df.tobe.annotated, ids.column) } \arguments{ \item{annotationdf}{An annotation data frame generated with standAloneBuildingLocalAnnotation function} \item{df.tobe.annotated}{A data frame containing a gene-level data of any type. It is mandatory that onne of the column contains gene-level ids} \item{ids.column}{the column of the df.tobe.annotated containing gene-level ids} } \value{ A data frame. } \author{ Raffaele A Calogero } \keyword{ methods }