\name{raex.variantexons} \docType{data} \alias{raex.variantexons} \title{table linking exon-level probe set ids to variant exons} \description{ The table is made integrating exon-level netaffx annotaiton with UCSC derived annotation. Specifically exon-level rpobesets are mapped on variant exons, i.e. those that are specific of only a subset of all isoforms associated to a gene. This table is used to filter differentially expressed exons to select only those associated to variant isoforms } \usage{raex.variantexons} \format{A data frame with 12 observations: affyname, affystart, affyend, affywidth, affystrand, vspname, vspstart, vspend, vspwidth,vspstrand,chr,genome} \references{Affymetrix web site and UCSC database} \keyword{datasets}