\name{consistentFilters} \alias{consistentFilters} \title{This function allows filtering using the combination of multiple paramenters, e.g. MiDAS p-values and Rank Product p-values } \description{This filter can be used to moderate multiple tests errors. E.g. finding the intersection between MiDAS p-values and Rank Product p-values user will remove some of the false positive produced by the two methods. A filter on the size of delta Splice Index associated to MiDAS p-values filter will will allow to remove statistical significant splicing events which are characterized by a very limited variation.} \usage{ consistentFilters() } \author{Raffaele A Calogero} \note{This fuction needs the presence of Splice Index data, MiDAS p-values and RP p-values. It works for two groups only} \seealso{erankProdAltSpl, AptMidas} \keyword{ manip }