\name{OpenLargefiles} \alias{OpenLargefiles} \title{This function loads large data set made from tab delimited files} \description{ The function creates and expressionSet starting from al file containing the expresison data in a tab delimited format. This file is loaded together with the description of the clinical paramenters present in Target This function uses a specific configuration of Target column of the affylmGUI target file. To know more about target file see affylmGUI help. Each row of the column named Target, in the affylmGUI target file, describes the clinical parameters. Each clinical parameter is separated from the others by an underscore. The affylmGUI target file will look like: \tabular{lll}{ Name \tab FileName \tab Target \cr mC1 \tab M1.CEL \tab \code{pos_yes_1_NA_0} \cr mC2 \tab M4.CEL \tab \code{pos_no_2_NA_0} \cr mC3 \tab M7.CEL \tab \code{neg_no_3_pos_0} \cr mE1 \tab M3.CEL \tab \code{neg_yes_3_neg_0} \cr mE2 \tab M6.CEL \tab \code{neg_no_NA_1_0} \cr mE3 \tab M9.CEL \tab \code{neg_yes_3_pos_0} \cr mI1 \tab M2.CEL \tab \code{pos_no_2_neg_1} \cr mI2 \tab M5.CEL \tab \code{pos_yes_2_pos_1} \cr mI3 \tab M8.CEL \tab \code{pos_no_2_pos_1} } } \usage{OpenLargefiles()} \author{Raffaele A Calogero} \keyword{utilities}