\name{pdPkgFromBioC} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{pdPkgFromBioC} \title{ Get packages from BioConductor. } \description{ This function checks if a given package is available on BioConductor and installs it, in case it is. } \usage{ pdPkgFromBioC(pkgname, lib = .libPaths()[1], verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{pkgname}{ character. Name of the package to be installed. } \item{lib}{ character. Path where to install the package at. } \item{verbose}{ logical. Verbosity flag. } } \details{ Internet connection required. } \value{ Logical: TRUE if package was found, downloaded and installed; FALSE otherwise. } \author{ Benilton Carvalho } \seealso{ download.packages } \examples{ \dontrun{ pdPkgFromBioC("pd.mapping50k.xba240") } } \keyword{data}