\name{justSNPRMA} \alias{justSNPRMA} \title{Summarization of SNP data} \description{ This function implements the SNPRMA method for summarization of SNP data. It works directly with the CEL files, saving memory. } \usage{ justSNPRMA(filenames, verbose = TRUE, phenoData = NULL, normalizeToHapmap = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{filenames}{character vector with the filenames.} \item{verbose}{logical flag for verbosity.} \item{phenoData}{a \code{phenoData} object or \code{NULL}} \item{normalizeToHapmap}{Normalize to Hapmap? Should always be TRUE, but it's kept here for future use.} } \value{ \code{SnpQSet} or a \code{SnpCnvQSet}, depending on the array type. } %% Add Examples \examples{ ## snprmaResults <- justSNPRMA(list.celfiles()) } \keyword{manip}