\name{getNgsColorsInfo} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{getNgsColorsInfo} \title{ Helper function to extract color information for filenames on NimbleGen arrays. } \description{ This function will (try to) extract the color information for NimbleGen arrays. This is useful when using \code{read.xysfiles2} to parse XYS files for Tiling applications. } \usage{ getNgsColorsInfo(path = ".", pattern1 = "_532", pattern2 = "_635", ...) } \arguments{ \item{path}{path where to look for files} \item{pattern1}{pattern to match files supposed to go to the first channel} \item{pattern2}{pattern to match files supposed to go to the second channel} \item{\dots}{extra arguments for \code{list.xysfiles}} } \details{ Many NimbleGen samples are identified following the pattern sampleID_532.XYS / sampleID_635.XYS. The function suggests sample names if all the filenames follow the standard above. } \value{ A data.frame with, at least, two columns: 'channel1' and 'channel2'. A third column, 'sampleNames', is returned if the filenames follow the sampleID_532.XYS / sampleID_635.XYS standard. } \author{ Benilton Carvalho } \keyword{manip}