\name{crlmm} \alias{crlmm} \alias{justCRLMM} \title{Genotype Calls} \description{ Performs genotype calls via CRLMM (Corrected Robust Linear Model with Maximum-likelihood based distances). } \usage{ crlmm(filenames, outdir, batch_size=40000, balance=1.5, minLLRforCalls=c(5, 1, 5), recalibrate=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, pkgname, reference=TRUE) justCRLMM(filenames, batch_size = 40000, minLLRforCalls = c(5, 1, 5), recalibrate = TRUE, balance = 1.5, phenoData = NULL, verbose = TRUE, pkgname = NULL, tmpdir=tempdir()) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{filenames}{character vector with the filenames.} \item{outdir}{directory where the output (and some tmp files) files will be saved.} \item{batch_size}{integer defining how many SNPs should be processed at a time.} \item{recalibrate}{Logical - should recalibration be performed?} \item{balance}{Control parameter to balance homozygotes and heterozygotes calls.} \item{minLLRforCalls}{Minimum thresholds for genotype calls.} \item{verbose}{Logical.} \item{phenoData}{\code{phenoData} object or \code{NULL}} \item{pkgname}{alt. pdInfo package to be used} \item{reference}{logical, defaulting to TRUE ...} \item{tmpdir}{Directory where temporary files are going to be stored at.} } \value{ \code{SnpCallSetPlus} object. } %% Add Examples \keyword{classif}