\name{darkColors} \alias{darkColors} \alias{seqColors} \title{ Create set of colors, interpolating through a set of preferred colors. } \description{ Create set of colors, interpolating through a set of preferred colors. } \usage{ darkColors(n) seqColors(n) } \arguments{ \item{n}{integer determining number of colors to be generated} } \details{ darkColors is based on the Dark2 palette in RColorBrewer, therefore useful to describe qualitative features of the data. seqColors is based on Blues and generates a gradient of blues, therefore useful to describe quantitative features of the data. } \examples{ x <- 1:10 y <- 1:10 cols1 <- darkColors(10) cols2 <- seqColors(10) plot(x, y, col=cols1, xlim=c(1, 11)) points(x+1, y, col=cols2) } \keyword{hplot}