\name{basicRMA} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{basicRMA} \title{ Simplified Interface to RMA } \description{ Simple interface to RMA. } \usage{ basicRMA(pmMat, pnVec, normalize = TRUE, background = TRUE, bgversion = 2, destructive = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{pmMat}{ Matrix of intensities to be processed. } \item{pnVec}{ Probeset names. } \item{normalize}{ Logical flag: normalize? } \item{background}{ Logical flag: background adjustment? } \item{bgversion}{ Version of background correction. } \item{destructive}{ Logical flag: use destructive methods? } \item{verbose}{ Logical flag: verbose. } \item{\dots}{ Not currently used. } } \value{ Matrix. } \examples{ set.seed(1) pms <- matrix(rnorm(1000), nc=20) colnames(pms) <- paste("sample", 1:20, sep="") pns <- rep(letters[1:10], each=5) res <- basicRMA(pms, pns, length(unique(pns)), TRUE, TRUE) res[, 1:3] } \keyword{manip}