\name{mmindex} \alias{mmindex} \alias{mmindex,FeatureSet-method} \alias{mmindex,DBPDInfo-method} \alias{pmindex} \alias{pmindex,FeatureSet-method} \alias{pmindex,DBPDInfo-method} \alias{bgindex} \alias{bgindex,FeatureSet-method} \alias{bgindex,DBPDInfo-method} %% This help page is ready. \title{Accessors for PM, MM or background probes indices.} \description{ Extracts the indexes for PM, MM or background probes. } \usage{ mmindex(object, ...) pmindex(object, ...) bgindex(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{FeatureSet} or \code{DBPDInfo} object} \item{...}{Extra arguments, not yet implemented} } \details{ The indices are ordered by 'fid', i.e. they follow the order that the probes appear in the CEL/XYS files. } \value{ A vector of integers representing the rows of the intensity matrix that correspond to PM, MM or background probes. } \examples{ ## How pm() works \dontrun{ x <- read.celfiles(list.celfiles()) pms0 <- pm(x) pmi <- pmindex(x) pms1 <- exprs(x)[pmi,] identical(pms0, pms1) } } \keyword{manip}