\name{eMult} \alias{eMult} \title{Expected Value of the Occupancy Distribution} \description{ Returns the expected value of the occupancy distribution based on a multinomial distribution. } \usage{ eMult(n, p, iter=NULL, seed=NULL, experimental=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{n}{number of attempts in the multinomial distribution} \item{p}{probabilities for landing in a specific bin} \item{iter}{number of iterations used in the Monte-Carlo approximation} \item{seed}{seed for the random number generator} \item{experimental}{access to other functions of multinomials} } \details{This functions computes the expected value of the occupancy distribution for a multinomial. In other words, the expected number of bins with at least one ball. The experimental argument "oneBall" computes expected number of bins with exactly one ball and the experimental argument "nextTo" computes the expected number of bins with one ball next to a bin with zero balls. Consider any functionality through the experimental argument untested.} \value{Returns a numeric} \references{ See the book chapter O. Will (**) in ** for specific details about this package or Johnson, N. L. and Kotz, S. (1977) \emph{Urn Models and Their Application: An Approach to Modern Discrete Probability Theory}. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY. } \author{Oliver Will \email{owill4@yahoo.com}} \examples{ n <- 20 p <- c(seq(10,1,-1),47)/100 p <- p/sum(p) eMult(n,p) eMult(n,p,iter=1000,seed=4) } \keyword{distribution}