\name{norm2d} \alias{norm2d} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Function for normalizing the mean and variance of average-across-replicates log ratio differences} \description{ This normalization is used when the two samples (control and treatment, say) are not being directly compared on the slides but instead are being compared to a common reference sample. The quantity of interest for each gene is thus the average difference between control and treatment log ratios. This function performs a robust normalization of the variance of the (mean normalized) average-across-replicates log ratio differences by scaling the (mean normalized) average-across-replicates log ratio difference for each gene either by the standard deviation of the log ratio differences for that gene across replicates (if bigger than the absolute (mean normalized) average-across-replicates log ratio difference) or scaling by a constant (a quantile of the distribution of standard deviations of (mean normalized) average-across-replicates log ratio differences for all genes whose standard deviation was bigger than their absolute (mean normalized) average-across-replicates log ratio difference.} \usage{ norm2d(control.logratio, txt.logratio, control.logintensity, txt.logintensity, span = 0.6, quant = 0.99) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{control.logratio}{A multiple-column matrix of replicates of log (base 2) ratios of gene expressions for the control versus reference slides.} \item{txt.logratio}{A multiple-column matrix of replicates of log (base 2) ratios of gene expressions for the treatment versus reference slides.} \item{control.logintensity}{A multiple-column matrix of replicates of log (base 2) total intensities (defined as the product) of gene expressions for the control versus reference slides.} \item{txt.logintensity}{A multiple-column matrix of replicates of log (base 2) total intensities (defined as the product) of gene expressions for the treatment versus reference slides.} \item{span}{Proportion of data used to fit the loess regression of the average-across-replicates log ratio differences on the average-across-replicates log intensities.} \item{quant}{Quantile to be used from the distribution of standard deviations of log ratio differences across replicates for all genes whose standard deviation was smaller than their absolute (mean normalized) average-across-replicates log ratio difference.} } \value{ A vector of mean and variance normalized average-across-replicates log ratio differences.} \references{N. Dean and A. E. Raftery (2005). Normal uniform mixture differential gene expression detection for cDNA microarrays. BMC Bioinformatics. 6, 173-186. \url{http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/6/173} S. Dudoit, Y. H. Yang, M. Callow and T. Speed (2002). Statistical methods for identifying differentially expressed genes in replicated cDNA microarray experiments. Stat. Sin. 12, 111-139. } \author{N. Dean and A. E. Raftery} \seealso{\code{\link{norm2c}},\code{\link{norm1a}},\code{\link{norm1b}},\code{\link{norm1c}},\code{\link{norm1d}}} \examples{ apo<-read.csv("http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/terry/zarray/Data/ApoA1/rg_a1ko_morph.txt", header=TRUE) rownames(apo)<-apo[,1] apo<-apo[,-1] apo<-apo+1 lRctl<-log(apo[,c(seq(2,16,2))],2)-log(apo[,c(seq(1,15,2))],2) lRtxt<-log(apo[,c(seq(18,32,2))],2)-log(apo[,c(seq(17,31,2))],2) lIctl<-log(apo[,c(seq(2,16,2))],2)+log(apo[,c(seq(1,15,2))],2) lItxt<-log(apo[,c(seq(18,32,2))],2)+log(apo[,c(seq(17,31,2))],2) lRnorm<-norm2d(lRctl,lRtxt,lIctl,lItxt) } \keyword{loess}