\docType{data} \name{syn.data} \alias{syn.data} \title{Simulated Gene Expression Data} \description{ Dataset containing 100 samples and 50 genes generated by the publicly available SynTReN generator using a yeast source network - see \code{\link{syn.net}}} \usage{data(syn.data)} \format{ \code{syn.data} is a data frame containing 100 rows and 50 columns. Each row contains a microarray experiment and each column contains a gene. } \source{ SynTReN 1.1.3 with source network : yeast\_nn.sif } \references{ Tim Van den Bulcke, Koenraad Van Leemput, Bart Naudts, Piet van Remortel, Hongwu Ma, Alain Verschoren, Bart De Moor, and Kathleen Marchal. Syntren : a generator of synthetic gene expression dataset for design and analysis of structure learning algorithms. BMC Bioinformatics, 2006. } \examples{ data(syn.data) data(syn.net) mim <- build.mim(syn.data,estimator="spearman") infered.net <- mrnet(mim) max(fscores(validate( infered.net, syn.net ))) } \keyword{datasets}