\name{RNA2DNA} \alias{RNA2DNA} \title{ A Function to translate RNA sequences into DNA sequences. } \description{ RNA and DNA differ in that RNA uses uracil (U) and DNA uses thiamine (T), this function translates an RNA sequence into a DNA sequence by translating the characters. } \usage{ RNA2DNA(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A valid RNA sequence. } } \details{ No checking for validity of sequence is made, and the input sequence is translated to upper case. } \value{ A character vector, of the same length as \code{x} where all characters are in upper case, and any instance of \code{U} in \code{x} is replaced by a \code{T}. } \author{ R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{chartr}}} \examples{ input = c("AUCG", "uuac") RNA2DNA(input) } \keyword{ manip }