\name{convertFoldChange} \alias{convertFoldChange} \title{ Converts Fold Change to Consistent Format } \description{ The script tries to determine if the fold changes are in an expected format, and if not, does its best to convert correctly. Internal function. } \usage{ convertFoldChange(foldchanges, style) } \arguments{ \item{foldchanges}{ numerical values with fold changes } \item{style}{ type of fold change to return. } } \details{ Allowed formats are: "log directional" (contains continuous numbers positive and negative, including numbers between -1 and 1), "directional", includes positive and negative values, but no numbers between -1 and 1, and "fractional", includes values greater than zero, especially those less than one. } \value{ numerical values in the defined format } \author{ James M. Ward \email{jmw86069@gmail.com} } \examples{ ## No examples currently. } \keyword{ manip } \keyword{ internal }