\name{selectRefSeq} \alias{selectRefSeq} \title{Uploading genomic sequence} \description{Uploading genomic sequence} \usage{ selectRefSeq(sFileName) } \arguments{ \item{sFileName}{path and name of genomic sequence to be uploaded} } \details{ Uploading genomic sequence } \value{ This function is used in order to read the reference sequence into the R environment. The reference sequences must be in fasta format. The user must give the path and name of the reference sequence in a character string. } \author{Arie Zackay , Christine Steinhoff } \examples{ ## make sure that you have reading ## permission under R.home() directory. If you do not have permission ## choose your own path. dir.create(file.path(R.home(component="home"),"/BiqAnalyzer")) makeLocalExpDir(dataPath="/examples/BiqAnalyzer", localDir=file.path(R.home(component="home"),"/BiqAnalyzer")) refseq <- selectRefSeq(file.path(R.home(component="home"), "/BiqAnalyzer/Master_Sequence.txt")) } \keyword{graphs}