\name{methFisherTest} \alias{methFisherTest} \title{Fisher exact Test on methylation Data} \description{ Fisher exact Test on two subsets of experiments over matched CpG sites } \usage{ methFisherTest(methData,set1,set2) } \arguments{ \item{methData}{List; contains information on the pairwise alignments, and methylated CpG motifs.} \item{set1}{First subset - Integer vector of experiments due to there order at methData} \item{set2}{Second subset - Integer vector of indexes of experiments due to there order at methData} } \details{ Given two clone sequences groups A and B for each CpG site the user can investigate whether there is a difference of methylation status between the two groups at each of the CpG sites. In order to calculate this difference at each CpG site, the two-tailed p-value of Fisher's exact test is calculated from the 2*2 tables at each CpG site. This p-value indicates the level of difference at every single CpG in those two groups of clone sequences. A p-value smaller than 0.05 is an indication for the independence of the methylation state in a certain CpG site when comparing two groups of clone sequences. } \value{ P- Values vector and a Plot } \author{Arie Zackay , Christine Steinhoff } \examples{ data(methData) methFisherTest(methData,c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6)) } \keyword{graphs}