\name{makeDataMethGFF} \alias{makeDataMethGFF} \title{GFF methylation files} \description{ Create methData object from processed .gff files} \usage{ makeDataMethGFF(dir,chr,start,end,meth_value) } \arguments{ \item{dir}{String; The local directory where the .gff files are located} \item{chr}{String; Chromosome under study} \item{start}{Integer; The start position of genomic region under study} \item{end}{Integer; The end position of the genomic region under study} \item{meth_value}{double; level of methylation on CpG} } \details{ This function reads and processes GFF files and creates a list object (like the one generated by MethAlignNW()) which can be later analyzed through the visualization, classification and clustering functions. } \value{ methData object } \author{Arie Zackay , Christine Steinhoff } \examples{ methGFF <- makeDataMethGFF(dir=system.file(package="methVisual", "examples/GFF"),chr="7",start=0,end=70,0.75) methGFF } \keyword{graphs}