\name{MethylQC} \alias{MethylQC} \title{Quality controle (QC) on Methylation Data} \description{ Processing a quality control (QC) procedure on bisulafite sequences } \usage{ MethylQC(refSeq, methFileDataFrame, makeChange, identity,conversion) } \arguments{ \item{refSeq}{String; genomic sequence, see selectRefSeq()} \item{methFileDataFrame}{Data frame; sequences names and their paths, see MethDataInput()} \item{makeChange}{Logical; if TRUE changes take place automatically, by default TRUE} \item{identity}{min. identity value , by default 80 percent} \item{conversion}{min conversion rate, by default 90 percent} } \details{ In order to avoid bad qualitative data entering this methylation analysis three measurements are made: 1) alignment check: if reverse, complement or reverse-complement 2) sequence identity between genomic sequence and every examined sequence 3) bisulfite conversion } \value{ Returns data frame of sequences names after QC and their paths saves QCINFO.Rdata under sequence files directory } \author{Arie Zackay , Christine Steinhoff } \examples{ ## In order to use the following example ## make sure that you have writing permission under R.home() ## directory. If you do not have permission choose your own path. dir.create(file.path(R.home(component="home"),"/BiqAnalyzer")) makeLocalExpDir(dataPath="/examples/BiqAnalyzer", localDir=file.path(R.home(component="home"),"/BiqAnalyzer")) datameth <-MethDataInput(file.path(R.home(component="home"), "/BiqAnalyzer/PathFileTab.txt")) refseq <- selectRefSeq(file.path(R.home(component="home"), "/BiqAnalyzer/Master_Sequence.txt")) QCdata <- MethylQC(refseq, datameth) } \keyword{graphs}