\name{metahdep.other} \alias{metahdep.list2dataframe} \alias{LinMod.MetAn.dep.REMA} \alias{LinMod.REMA.dep} \alias{LinMod.REMA.delta.split} \alias{LinMod.HBLM.fast.dep} \alias{new.LinMod.HBLM.fast.dep.delta.split} \alias{LinMod.MetAn.dep.FEMA} \alias{metahdep.check.X} \alias{get.M} \alias{tr} \alias{id} \alias{center.columns} \alias{mod} \alias{get.varsigma.v} \title{ metahdep.other } \description{ Miscellaneous functions used internally by the \emph{metahdep} package's main functions (\code{metahdep}, \code{metahdep.FEMA}, \code{metahdep.REMA}, \code{metahdep.HBLM}, and \code{metahdep.format}): \tabular{ll}{ \tab \cr \code{metahdep.list2dataframe} \tab convert list to \code{data.frame} \cr \code{LinMod.MetAn.dep.REMA} \tab REMA meta-analysis \cr \code{LinMod.REMA.dep} \tab used by \code{LinMod.MetAn.dep.REMA} to estimate parameters \cr \code{LinMod.REMA.delta.split} \tab REMA (with delta-splitting) \cr \code{LinMod.HBLM.fast.dep} \tab HBLM (no delta-splitting) \cr \code{new.LinMod.HBLM.fast.dep.delta.split} \tab HBLM (with delta-splitting) \cr \code{LinMod.MetAn.dep.FEMA} \tab FEMA \cr \code{metahdep.check.X} \tab check design matrix X, and drop columns if necessary \cr \tab to make full rank \cr \code{get.M} \tab create block diagonal M matrix, given dependence structure \cr \code{tr} \tab calculate trace of matrix \cr \code{id} \tab create identity matrix \cr \code{center.columns} \tab center all non-intercept columns of design matrix X \cr \code{mod} \tab mod function \cr \code{get.varsigma.v} \tab get varsigma values for HBLM delta-splitting model \cr \tab \cr } } \usage{ } \arguments{ } \value{ } \author{ John R. Stevens, Gabriel Nicholas } \references{ Stevens J.R. and Nicholas G. (2009), metahdep: Meta-analysis of hierarchically dependent gene expression studies, \emph{Bioinformatics}, 25(19):2619-2620. Stevens J.R. and Taylor A.M. (2009), Hierarchical Dependence in Meta-Analysis, \emph{Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics}, 34(1):46-73. See also the \emph{metahdep} package vignette. } \examples{ ## Create the M matrix for the glossing example ## - here, studies 2-5 are one hierarchically dependent group (Baumann), ## and studies 10-12 are another hierarchically dependent group (Joyce) data(gloss) dep.groups <- list(c(2:5),c(10:12)) M <- get.M(length(gloss.theta),dep.groups) } \keyword{ models }