\name{HGU.prep.list} \alias{HGU.prep.list} \docType{data} \title{HGU.prep.list} \description{ An illustrative example of a list, where each element is a \code{metaprep} class object with data for a particular gene. It comes from the study data held within the \code{HGU.DifExp.list} object. } \usage{data(HGU.prep.list)} \format{ This object is a list of \code{metaprep} objects. } \details{ Each element of \code{HGU.prep.list} is a gene-specific object of class \code{metaprep}. \code{HGU.prep.list} is an example of an object created by the \code{metahdep.format()} function; see the help file for the \code{metahdep.format()} function and the \emph{metahdep} package vignette for details on its construction. \code{HGU.prep.list} is an example object used as an argument to the \code{metahdep()} function. The individual elements of this object can be extracted and passed as arguments to the more general meta-analysis functions, \code{metahdep.HBLM()}, \code{metahdep.REMA()}, and \code{metahdep.FEMA()}. } \references{ Stevens J.R. and Nicholas G. (2009), metahdep: Meta-analysis of hierarchically dependent gene expression studies, \emph{Bioinformatics}, 25(19):2619-2620. See also the \emph{metahdep} package vignette. } \examples{ data(HGU.prep.list) HGU.prep.list[[7]] ## etc... } \keyword{datasets}