\name{relNet2TGF} \alias{relNet2TGF.maigesRelNetB} \alias{relNet2TGF.maigesRelNetM} \alias{relNet2TGF} \title{ Transform Relevance Network analysis in TGF output } \description{ This function receive an object of class \code{\link{maigesRelNetB}} or \code{\link{maigesRelNetM}} and write TGF files with the relevance networks produced. } \usage{ relNet2TGF(\dots) \method{relNet2TGF}{maigesRelNetB}(data, dir = "./", filename="group.tgf", corC=NULL, pValue=0.05, \dots) \method{relNet2TGF}{maigesRelNetM}(data, dir = "./", filenames=c("group1.tgf", "group2.tgf", "difPvalue.tgf"), pValue=0.05, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{data}{object of class \code{\link{maigesRelNetB}} or \code{\link{maigesRelNetM}}.} \item{dir}{character string specifying the folder to save the TGF files.} \item{filename}{character string specifying the file name, for objects of class \code{\link{maigesRelNetB}}.} \item{filenames}{character vector of length 3 with the file names to be saved, for objects of class \code{\link{maigesRelNetM}}.} \item{corC}{numeric in [0,1] specifying the cutoff for selecting absolute correlation. May also be 'max' to select the maximum correlation values in a permutation bootstrap strategy, as proposed by Butte et al. (2000).} \item{pValue}{numeric in [0,1] specifying the cutoff for selecting correlation values by p-values.} \item{\dots}{additional parameters.} } \details{ This function only picks the result of the \code{\link{relNetworkB}} or \code{\link{relNetworkM}} and display write TGF files. This files are interesting to be used with \emph{Yed} graph visualisation and editing tool, wrote in Java (\url{http://www.yworks.com/en/products_yed_about.htm}). } \value{ This function don't return any object. } \references{ Butte, A.J.; Tamayo, P.; Slonim, D.; Golub, T.R. and Kohane, I.S. Discovering functional relationships between RNA expression and chemotherapeutic susceptibility using relevance networks, \bold{PNAS}, 97, 12182-12186, 2000 (\url{http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/97/22/12182}) } \seealso{ \code{\link{relNetworkB}}, \code{\link{relNetworkM}}, \code{\link{maigesRelNetB}}, \code{\link{maigesRelNetM}}. } \examples{ ## Loading the dataset data(gastro) ## Constructing the relevance network for sample ## 'Tissue' comparing 'Neso' and 'Aeso' for the 1st gene group ## The same is also true for objects of class maigesRelNetB gastro.net = relNetworkM(gastro.summ, sLabelID="Tissue", samples = list(Neso="Neso", Aeso="Aeso"), geneGrp=11, type="Rpearson") relNet2TGF(gastro.net) } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves <\email{gesteves@vision.ime.usp.br}> } \keyword{classes}