\name{image} \alias{image.maigesRaw} \alias{image.maiges} \alias{image.maigesANOVA} \alias{image.maigesRelNetB} \alias{image.maigesRelNetM} \alias{image.maigesActMod} \alias{image.maigesActNet} \alias{image} \title{ Method image for objects defined in this package } \description{ Generic function \code{\link[graphics]{image}} to display colour maps of numerical values stored in objects defined in this package. } \usage{ \method{image}{maigesRaw}(x, \dots) \method{image}{maiges}(x, \dots) \method{image}{maigesANOVA}(x, \dots) \method{image}{maigesRelNetB}(x=NULL, name=NULL, \dots) \method{image}{maigesRelNetM}(x=NULL, names=NULL, \dots) \method{image}{maigesActMod}(x, type=c("S","C")[2], keepEmpty=FALSE, ...) \method{image}{maigesActNet}(x, type=c("score","p-value")[1], ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{\link{maigesRaw}}, \code{\link{maiges}}, \code{\link{maigesANOVA}}, \code{\link{maigesRelNetB}}, \code{\link{maigesRelNetM}}, \code{\link{maigesActMod}} or \code{\link{maigesActNet}} defined in this package.} \item{name}{character string giving a name for sample type tested to be plotted as a name in the method for class \code{\link{maigesRelNetB}}.} \item{names}{similar to the previous one, but it is a vector of length 3 for class \code{\link{maigesRelNetM}}.} \item{type}{string specifying the type of colour map to be plotted. For class \code{\link{maigesActMod}} it must be 'S' or 'C' for samples or biological conditions, respectively. For class \code{\link{maigesActNet}} it must be 'score' or 'p-value' for the statistics or p-values of the tests, respectively.} \item{keepEmpty}{logical, if true the results of all gene groups are displayed, else only the gene groups that present at least one significant result are displayed.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments for the generic method \code{\link[graphics]{image}} from \emph{graphics} package or \code{\link[marray]{maImage}} defined in package \emph{marray} (for \code{maigesRaw}, \code{maiges} or \code{maigesANOVA} classes), in this case the additional parameters must not be named, because these names conflict with the \code{boxplot} generic function definition.} } \details{ This method uses the function \code{\link[marray]{maImage}} from marray package to display colour maps of accessor methods defined into \emph{marray} package for objects of class \code{\link{maiges}} or \code{\link{maigesRaw}} and \code{\link{maigesANOVA}}. For objects of class \code{\link{maigesRelNetM}} the method displays 3 colour maps representing the correlation values for the two groups tested and the p-values of the tests. For class \code{\link{maigesRelNetB}} it displays the correlation values for the type tested. In objects of class \code{\link{maigesActMod}} it displays the fraction of genes induced or repressed for each gene group, by samples or biological type. Finally, for class \code{\link{maigesActNet}}, the method display the matrix of statistics or p-values of the tests. Pay attention, if you specify the parameter \emph{x} (but not named) for \code{\link[marray]{maImage}}) it will plot the M values instead of W (default). } \examples{ ## Loading the dataset data(gastro) ## Doing image plots (using package marray), default method showing the ## W values (for 1st chip), after showing the A values (2nd chip) and ## red background (20th chip). image(gastro.raw[,1]) image(gastro.raw[,2], "maA") image(gastro.raw[,20], "maRb") ## Example for normalized objects (showing A values for the 5th chip). image(gastro.norm[,5], "maA") ## Example for object of class maigesRelNetB ## Constructing the relevance network (Butte's method) for sample ## 'Tissue' equal to 'Neso' for the 1st gene group gastro.net = relNetworkB(gastro.summ, sLabelID="Tissue", samples="Neso", geneGrp=1, type="Rpearson") image(gastro.net) ## Example for object of class maigesRelNetM ## Constructing the relevance network for sample ## 'Tissue' comparing 'Neso' and 'Aeso' for the 1st gene group gastro.net = relNetworkM(gastro.summ, sLabelID="Tissue", samples = list(Neso="Neso", Aeso="Aeso"), geneGrp=11, type="Rpearson") image(gastro.net) } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves } \seealso{ \code{\link[graphics]{image}} in the \emph{graphics} package and \code{\link[marray]{maImage}} in \emph{marray} package. } \keyword{array}