\name{dim} \alias{dim.maiges} \alias{dim.maigesRaw} \alias{dim.maigesPreRaw} \alias{dim.maigesANOVA} \title{ Retrieve the dimension of microarray objects } \description{ Generic function \code{\link[base]{dim}} to retrieve the number of rows (genes) and columns (arrays) for classes \code{\link{maigesPreRaw}}, \code{\link{maigesRaw}}, \code{\link{maiges}} and \code{\link{maigesANOVA}}. } \usage{ \method{dim}{maigesPreRaw}(x) \method{dim}{maigesRaw}(x) \method{dim}{maiges}(x) \method{dim}{maigesANOVA}(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{\link{maigesPreRaw}}, \code{\link{maigesRaw}}, \code{\link{maiges}} or \code{\link{maigesANOVA}}} } \details{ This is a function to retrieve the dimensions of the dataset - number of genes (rows) and samples (columns) studied. Note that the commands \code{\link[base]{nrow}(x)}, \code{\link[base:nrow]{ncol}(x)} and commands related with matrix dimensions on also work. } \value{ Vector with 2 numbers, the first one is the number of rows (genes) and the second one the number of columns (samples). } \author{ modified from the \code{marray} package } \examples{ ## Loading the dataset data(gastro) dim(gastro) dim(gastro.raw) dim(gastro.norm) dim(gastro.summ) } \seealso{ \code{\link[base]{dim}} in the base package. } \keyword{array}