\name{activeMod} \alias{activeMod} \title{Functional classification of gene groups} \description{ This function calculate profiles of expression for groups of genes in each sample of the dataset and for each biological condition (group of samples). } \usage{ activeMod(data=NULL, gNameID="GeneName", samples=NULL, usePaths=FALSE, sLabelID="Classification", adjP="none", cutExp=1, cutPhiper=0.05) } \arguments{ \item{data}{object of class \code{\link{maiges}} to be used to functionally classify gene groups stored in \code{GeneGrps} slot.} \item{gNameID}{character string specifying identification of gene label to be used. } \item{sLabelID}{idem to the previous argument for identification of sample label.} \item{samples}{a list with character vectors specifying the groups that must be compared.} \item{usePaths}{logical specifying if the pathways given in \code{Paths} slot must also be used, defaults to FALSE.} \item{cutExp}{real number specifying the cutoff for expression levels (to discretise the expression)} \item{adjP}{character string giving the type of p-value adjustment. May be 'Bonferroni', 'Holm', 'Hochberg', 'SidakSS', 'SidakSD', 'BH', 'BY' or 'none'. Defaults to 'none'. See function \code{\link[multtest]{mt.rawp2adjp}} in package multtest for more details.} \item{cutPhiper}{p-value cutoff to select significant gene groups.} } \value{ The result of this function is an object of class \code{\link{maigesActMod}}. } \details{ If the argument \code{samples} is NULL, all types defined by the sample label given by \code{sLabelID} are used. It is possible to use the \code{\link{plot.maigesActMod}} and \code{\link{image.maigesActMod}} to display the results of this analysis. This function is based in the method proposed by Segal et al. (2004). } \references{ Segal, E.; Friedman, N.; Koller, D. and Regev, A. A module map showing conditional activity of expression modules in cancer. \bold{Nature Genetics}, 36, 1090-1098, 2004. (\url{http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v36/n10/abs/ng1434.html}) } \seealso{ \code{\link{activeModScoreHTML}}, \code{\link{maigesActMod}}, \code{\link{plot.maigesActMod}}, \code{\link{image.maigesActMod}}, \code{\link[multtest]{mt.rawp2adjp}} } \examples{ ## Loading a little dataset data(gastro) ## Doing functional classification of gene groups for 'Tissue' sample label gastro.mod = activeMod(gastro.summ, sLabelID="Tissue", cutExp=1, cutPhiper=0.05) ## Doing functional classification of gene groups together with the ## networks given by Paths slot for 'Tissue' sample label. Also we are ## using a cuttoff for p-value of hipergeometric test as 0.1 gastro.mod = activeMod(gastro.summ, sLabelID="Tissue", cutExp=1, cutPhiper=0.1, usePaths=TRUE) } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves <\email{gesteves@vision.ime.usp.br}> } \keyword{methods}