\name{genes1d} \alias{genes1d} \title{genes1d: list top N variables on one axis. Lists the maximum and minimum values in a column of a data.frame} \description{ Lists the top N variables from the positive and negative ends of an axis. Returns a list of N variables that have the max and min. Given a \$co or \$li file it will return that variables at the ends of the axis. } \usage{ genes1d(array, n = 5, axis = 1, listgenes = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{array}{A \code{\link{matrix}} or \code{\link{data.frame}}. Typically a \$co or \$li from \code{\link[made4:bga]{bga}}, \code{\link[made4:cia]{cia}} or \code{\link[ade4:dudi]{dudi}}.} \item{n}{An integer indicating the number of variables to be returned. Default is 5. } \item{axis}{An integer indicating the column of x. Default is 1 (first axis, of \$co or \$li file) } \item{listgenes}{A logical, If TRUE a list containing the variables at each ends of the axes are returned} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods } } \details{ Genes1d is similar to \code{link[made4:genes]{genes}}, but returns an index of genes at the ends of one axes. } \value{ Returns a vector or list of vectors. } \references{ } \author{Aedin Culhane} \seealso{See Also as \code{\link[made4:genes]{genes}}} \examples{ data(khan) if (require(ade4, quiet = TRUE)) { khan.coa<-ord(khan$train) } ind<-topgenes(khan.coa, ends="pos") ind.ID<-topgenes(khan.coa, ends="pos", labels=khan$gene.labels.imagesID) ind.symbol<-topgenes(khan.coa, ends="pos", labels=khan$annotation$Symbol) Top10.pos<- cbind("Gene Symbol"=ind.symbol, "Clone ID"=ind.ID, "Coordinates"=khan.coa$ord$co[ind,], row.names=c(1:length(ind))) Top10.pos } \keyword{internal}