\name{genes} \alias{genes} \title{Returns an index of the top N variables at the ends of the x and y axes} \description{ Returns an index of the top n maximum and minimum values in 2 columns of a matrix or data.frame. } \usage{ genes(dudivar,n=5, axis1=1, axis2=2) } \arguments{ \item{dudivar}{a \code{data frame} or \code{matrix} with at least two columns, containing the x,y coordinates.} \item{axis1}{the column number for the x-axis.} \item{axis2}{the column number for the y-axis.} \item{n}{n is the number of genes to be extracted.} } \details{ Genes returns an index of the "top" variables at the ends of the x and y axes. Genes is not normally called by the user but is called by plotgenes() If you wish to return a table or list of the top genes at the end of an axis, use the function \code{\link[made4:topgenes]{topgenes}}. Thanks to Miss Jess Mar for helping on this function. } \value{} \author{Aedin Culhane} \seealso{See Also as \code{\link[made4:plotgenes]{plotgenes}} } \examples{ } \keyword{internal}