\name{commonMap} \alias{commonMap} \title{Highlight common points between two 1D plots } \description{ CommonMap draws two 1D plots, and links the common points between the two. } \usage{ commonMap(x, y, hor=TRUE, cex=1.5, scaled=TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{The coordinates of the first axis } \item{y}{ The coordinates of the second axis} \item{hor}{Logical, whether a horizontal line should be drawn on plot. Default is TRUE.} \item{cex}{Numeric. The amount by which plotting text and symbols should be scaled relative to the default } \item{scaled}{Logical, whether the data in x and y are scaled. Scaling is useful for visualising small or large data values. Set to FALSE if actually or true values should be visualised. The default is TRUE.} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other method } } \details{ Useful for mapping the genes in common from coinertia analysis This graphs a 1D graph, x and y are the coordinates from two different analyses but the rows of each vectors correspond (ie common genes) } \value{ } \references{ } \author{ Ailis Fagan and Aedin Culhane } \note{ This is useful for examining common points in axes from coinertia analysis, or comparing results from two different analysis. } \seealso{See also \code{\link[made4:between.graph]{between.graph}}, \code{\link[made4:graph1D]{graph1D}} } \examples{ a<-rnorm(20) b<-rnorm(20) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) commonMap(a,b) commonMap(a,b,hor=FALSE, col="red", pch=19) commonMap(a,b,col="blue", cex=2, pch=19) # If the vectors contain different variables, the rows should define the variables that correspond a[15:20]<-NA b[10:15]<-NA cbind(a,b) commonMap(a,b, col="dark green", pch=18) } \keyword{multivariate }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{hplot}% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line