\name{between.graph} \alias{between.graph} \title{Plot 1D graph of results from between group analysis } \description{ Plots a 1D graph, of results of between group analysis similar to that in Culhane et al., 2002. } \usage{ between.graph(x, ax = 1, cols = NULL, hor = TRUE, scaled=TRUE, centnames=NULL, varnames=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Object of the class \code{bga} resulting from a \code{\link[made4:bga]{bga}} analysis. } \item{ax}{Numeric. The column number of principal component (\$ls and \$li) to be used. Default is 1. This is the first component of the analysis.} \item{cols}{Vector of colours. By default colours are obtained using \code{\link[made4:getcol]{getcol}} } \item{hor}{Logical, indicating whether the graph should be plotted horizontally or vertically. The default is a horizontal plot.} \item{scaled}{Logical, indicating whether the coordinates in the graph should be scaled to fit optimally in plot. Default is TRUE} \item{centnames}{A vector of variables labels. Default is NULL, if NULL the row names of the centroid \$li coordinates will be used.} \item{varnames}{A vector of variables labels. Default is NULL, if NULL the row names of the variable \$ls coordinates will be used.} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods } } \details{ This will produce a figure similar to Figure 1 in the paper by Culhane et al., 2002. \code{between.graph} requires both samples and centroid co-ordinates (\$ls, \$li) which are passed to it via an object of class \code{bga}. If cases are to be coloured by class, it also requires a \$fac \code{factor} which is also passed to it via an object of class \code{bga}. To plot a 1D graph from other multivariate analysis such as PCA (\code{\link[ade4:dudi.pca]{dudi.pca}}), COA (\code{\link[ade4:dudi.coa]{dudi.coa}}), or \code{\link[ade4:coinertia]{coinertia}} analysis. Please use \code{\link[made4:graph1D]{graph1D}}. } \value{ } \references{ Culhane AC, et al., 2002 Between-group analysis of microarray data. Bioinformatics. 18(12):1600-8. } \author{Aedin Culhane} \note{} \seealso{\code{\link[made4:graph1D]{graph1D}} } \examples{ data(khan) if (require(ade4, quiet = TRUE)) { khan.bga<-bga(khan$train, khan$train.classes) } between.graph(khan.bga) between.graph(khan.bga, ax=2, lwd=3, cex=0.5, col=c("green","blue", "red", "yellow")) between.graph(khan.bga, ax=2, hor=FALSE, col=c("green","blue", "red", "yellow")) } \keyword{multivariate } \keyword{hplot}