\name{bet.coinertia} \alias{bet.coinertia} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Between class coinertia analysis } \description{ Between class coinertia analysis. \code{\link[made4:cia]{cia}} of 2 datasets where covariance between groups or classes of cases, rather than individual cases are maximised. } \usage{ bet.coinertia(df1, df2, fac1, fac2, cia.nf = 2, type = "nsc", \dots) } \arguments{ \item{df1}{First dataset.A \code{\link{matrix}}, \code{\link{data.frame}}, \code{\link[Biobase:ExpressionSet-class]{ExpressionSet}} or \code{\link[marray:marrayRaw-class]{marrayRaw-class}}. If the input is gene expression data in a \code{\link{matrix}} or \code{\link{data.frame}}. The rows and columns are expected to contain the variables (genes) and cases (array samples) respectively. } \item{df2}{Second dataset. A \code{\link{matrix}}, \code{\link{data.frame}}, \code{\link[Biobase:ExpressionSet-class]{ExpressionSet}} or \code{\link[marray:marrayRaw-class]{marrayRaw-class}}. If the input is gene expression data in a \code{\link{matrix}} or \code{\link{data.frame}}. The rows and columns are expected to contain the variables (genes) and cases (array samples) respectively.} \item{fac1}{A \code{factor} or \code{vector} which describes the classes in df1.} \item{fac2}{A \code{factor} or \code{vector} which describes the classes in df2.} \item{cia.nf}{Integer indicating the number of coinertia analysis axes to be saved. Default value is 2.} \item{type}{A character string, accepted options are type="nsc" or type="pca".} \item{\dots}{ further arguments passed to or from other methods.} } \value{ A list of class \code{bet.cia} of length 5 \item{coin}{An object of class 'coinertia', sub-class \code{\link[ade4:dudi]{dudi}}. See \code{\link[ade4:coinertia]{coinertia}}} \item{coa1, pca1}{An object of class 'nsc' or 'pca', with sub-class 'dudi'. See \code{\link[ade4:dudi]{dudi}}, \code{\link[ade4:dudi.pca]{dudi.pca}} or \code{\link[ade4:dudi.nsc]{dudi.nsc}}} \item{coa2, pca2}{An object of class 'nsc' or 'pca', with sub-class 'dudi'. See \code{\link[ade4:dudi]{dudi}}, \code{\link[ade4:dudi.pca]{dudi.pca}} or \code{\link[ade4:dudi.nsc]{dudi.nsc}}} \item{bet1}{An object of class 'bga', with sub-class 'dudi'. See \code{\link[ade4:dudi]{dudi}}, \code{\link[made4:bga]{bga}} or \code{\link[ade4:between]{between}}} \item{bet2}{An object of class 'bga', with sub-class 'dudi'. See \code{\link[ade4:dudi]{dudi}}, \code{\link[made4:bga]{bga}} or \code{\link[ade4:between]{between}}.} } \references{ Culhane AC, et al., 2003 Cross platform comparison and visualisation of gene expression data using co-inertia analysis. BMC Bioinformatics. 4:59 } \author{Aedin Culhane} \note{ This is very computational intensive. The authors of ade4 are currently re-writing the code for coinertia analysis, so that it should substantially improve the computational requirements (May 2004). } \seealso{See Also as \code{\link[ade4:coinertia]{coinertia}}, \code{\link[made4:cia]{cia}}.} \examples{ ### NEED TO DO if (require(ade4, quiet = TRUE)) {} } \keyword{multivariate} \keyword{manip}