\name{scoring} \alias{scoring} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Compute (regularized) t-scores for gene expression data} \description{ This function computes for all genes in an expression matrix the (regularized) t-scores (statistics) with the given class labels and a number of permutations of these labels. Each gene is also assigned a p-value either empirically from the permutation scores or from a t-distribution. } \usage{ scoring(data, labels, method = "SAM", pcompute = "tdist", nperms = 1000, memory.limit = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data}{Expression matrix with rows = genes and columns = samples} \item{labels}{Vector or factor of class labels; Scoring works only with two classes!} \item{method}{Either "SAM" to compute regularized t-scores, or "t.test" to compute Student's t-statistic} \item{pcompute}{Method to compute p-values for each genes, either "empirical" to do permutations and compute p-values from them, or "tdist" to compute p-values based on respective t-distribution} \item{nperms}{Number of permutations of the labels to be investigated, if argument 'pcompute="empirical"'} \item{memory.limit}{Logical, if you have a really good computer (>2GB RAM), setting this FALSE will increase speed of computations} \item{verbose}{Logical, if progress should be reported to STDOUT} } \details{ If 'pcompute="empirical"', the statistic is computed based on the given class labels, afterwards for 'nperms' permutations of the labels. The p-value for each gene is then the proportion of permutation statistics that are higher or equal than the statistic from the real labels. For each gene the 2.5\%- and the 97.5\%-quantile of the permutation statistics are also returned as lower and upper 'significance threshold'. If 'pcompute="tdist", the statistic is computed only based on the given class labels, and the p-value is computed from the t-distribution with (Number of samples - 2) degrees of freedom. } \value{ A list, with four components: \item{observed}{(Regularized) t-scores for all genes based on the given labels} \item{pvalues}{P-values for all genes, either from permutations or t-distribution} \item{expected.lower}{2.5\%-quantile of permutation test-statistics, supposed to be a lower 'significance border' for the gene; or NULL if p-values were computed from t-distribution} \item{expected.upper}{97.5\%-quantile of permutation test-statistics, supposed to be an upper 'significance border' for the gene; or NULL if p-values were computed from t-distribution} } \references{Regarding the regularized t-score please see the \code{macat} vignette.} \author{MACAT development team} \note{In package \code{macat}, this function is only called internally by the function \code{\link{evalScoring}}} \seealso{\code{\link{evalScoring}}} \examples{ data(stjd) # compute gene-wise regularized t-statistics for # T- vs. B-lymphocyte ALL: isT <- as.numeric(stjd$labels=="T") TvsB <- scoring(stjd$expr,isT,method="SAM",pcompute="none") summary(TvsB$observed) } \keyword{manip}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS