\name{Python data format} \alias{pydata} \alias{pythondata} \docType{data} \title{Flat file format} \description{ This is a description of the text files, usually written by MACAT functions such as \code{\link{kernelizeToPython}}. These text files can be read into PYTHON. Each flat files contains a list of matrices. The outer list has one entry for each class in the data set, the inner matrices consist of all the sequences from the specified chromosome belonging to that class. Each row represents one sample, each column a gene from the respective chromosome. The lists are delimited by '[' and ']' brackets. The matrices are written as lists of lists (e.g. [[],[],...,[]] ). } \examples{ # The files look like this: # [ [[1.11, 1.32, 0.92, ...],[...],[...]], # [[0.45, 0.91, 1.84, ...],[...],[...]], # [[1.06, 1.59, 0.73, ...],[...],[...]], # ] } \keyword{internal}