\name{Kernels} \alias{kNN} \alias{rbf} \alias{basePairDistance} \alias{fitkernelparams} \alias{kernels} \title{various kernel functions for computations in MACAT} \description{ Various Kernel functions for computations in MACAT. Normally not called by user. All kernel functions have the same arguments in the same order!!! } \usage{ kNN(geneLocations, position, params) rbf(geneLocations, position, params = list(gamma=1/10^13)) basePairDistance(geneLocations, position, params = list(distance = 1e+06)) } \arguments{ \item{geneLocations}{Location of genes} \item{position}{Position on chromosome} \item{params}{special kernel parameters \describe{ \item{kNN:}{k = number of nearest genes} \item{rbf:}{gamma = kernel width} \item{basePairDistance:}{distance = distance within which all genes are averaged } } } } \details{ For internal use by other MACAT-functions. Not called by user. } \value{ returns kernel weight for position, computed from the geneLocations } \author{MACAT development team} \seealso{\code{\link{evalScoring}, \link{compute.sliding}, \link{kernelize}}} \examples{ data(stjd) genes = seq(100) geneLocations = abs(stjd$geneLocation[genes]) position = c(1000) # location for which you want the kernelweights kernelweights = rbf(as.matrix(geneLocations), as.matrix(position), list(gamma=1/10e13)) hist(kernelweights) } \keyword{internal}