\name{evaluateParameters} \alias{evaluateParameters} \alias{plot.MACATevP} \title{Evaluate Performance of Kernel Parameters by Cross-validation} \description{ For a given data set, chromosome, class, and kernel function, this function helps in determining optimal settings for the kernel parameter(s). The performance of individual parameter setting is assessed by cross- validation. } \usage{ evaluateParameters(data, class, chromosome, kernel, kernelparams = NULL, paramMultipliers = 2^(-4:4), subset = NULL, newlabels = NULL, ncross = 10, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{Gene expression data in the MACAT list format. See data(stjude) for an example.} \item{class}{Sample class to be analyzed} \item{chromosome}{Chromosome to be analyzed} \item{kernel}{Choose kernel to smooth scores along the chromosome. Available are 'kNN' for k-Nearest-Neighbors, 'rbf' for radial-basis-function (Gaussian), 'basePairDistance' for a kernel, which averages over all genes within a given range of base pairs around a position.} \item{kernelparams}{Additional parameters for the kernel as list, e.g., kernelparams=list(k=5) for taking the 5 nearest neighbours in the kNN-kernel. If NULL some defaults are set within the function.} \item{paramMultipliers}{Numeric vector. If you do cross-validation of the kernel parameters, specify these as multipliers of the given (standard) kernel parameter, depending on your kernel choice (see page 5 of the vignette). The multiplication results are the kernel argument settings, among which you want to search for the optimal one using cross-validation.} \item{subset}{If a subset of samples is to be used, give vector of column- indices of these samples in the original matrix here.} \item{newlabels}{If other labels than the ones in the MACAT-list-structure are to be used, give them as character vector/factor here. Make sure argument 'class' is one of them.} \item{ncross}{Integer. Specify how many folds in cross-validation.} \item{verbose}{Logical. Should progress be reported to STDOUT?} } \value{ A list of class 'MACATevP' with 4 components: \item{[parameterName]}{List of assessed settings for the parameter [parameterName].} \item{avgResid}{Average Residual Sum of Squares for the parameter settings in the same order as the first component.} \item{multiplier}{Multiplier of the original parameters in the same order as the first components.} \item{best}{List of parameter settings considered optimal by cross- validation. Can be directly inserted under the argument 'kernelparams' of the 'evalScoring' function.} } \author{MACAT development team} \seealso{\code{\link{evalScoring}}} \examples{ data(stjd) evalkNN6 <- evaluateParameters(stjd, class="T", chromosome=6,kernel=kNN, paramMultipliers=c(0.01,seq(0.2,2.0,0.2),2.5)) if (interactive()&&capabilities("X11")) plot(evalkNN6) } \keyword{manip}