\name{discretizeAll} \alias{discretizeAll} \title{Discretize complete expression matrix} \description{ perform discretization on all chromosomes and write python flat files } \usage{ discretizeAll(data, margin = 10) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ MACATData Object } \item{margin}{ symmetric quantile in percent } } \details{ The filename for the python flat files are \code{discrete_seqs_margin__chrom_.py} where and are the names of the chromosome and the margin used for discretization. For details on the discretization see \code{\link{discretize}}. } \value{ produces python flat file } \author{ The MACAT Development team } \seealso{ \code{\link{discretize}} } \examples{ # !!! takes some time !!! \dontrun{ #loaddatapkg("stjudem") data(stjd) discretizeAll(stjd, margin=10) } } \keyword{internal}