\name{compute.sliding} \alias{compute.sliding} \alias{plotSliding} \title{Compute and plot smoothing of expression values or scores along the chromosome} \description{ 'compute.sliding' computes a smoothing of the expression data or scores along the chromosome using the specified kernel function. This function is also used within the 'evalScoring' function. 'plotSliding' creates a plot of the smoothed expression values / scores. } \usage{ compute.sliding(data, chromosome, sample, kernel, kernelparams=NULL, step.width = 1e+06) plotSliding(data, chromosome, sample, kernel, kernelparams=NULL, step.width=1000000, ...) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ A MACATData list holding the Expression values and gene locations} \item{chromosome}{the chromosome to be smoothed} \item{sample}{ the sample (patient) whose expression values are smoothed } \item{kernel}{ a kernel function (one of rbf, kNN, basePairDistance or your own) } \item{kernelparams}{ a list of named parameters for the kernel (by default estimated from the data) } \item{step.width}{ the smoothing is computed stepwise every step.width basepairs (default is 100000) } \item{...}{further graphical parameters passed on to \code{\link{plot.default}}} } \value{ for \code{compute.sliding}: a matrix of dimension (steps x 2) with in the first column the locations in basepairs where an interpolation is computed, and in the second column the smoothed values. \code{plotSliding} does not return anything and is merely called for its side-effect producing the plot. } \author{MACAT development team } \seealso{ \code{\link{kernelize}}, \code{\link{evalScoring}} } \examples{ data(stjd) # just compute smoothed values: smooth = compute.sliding(stjd, chromosome=3, sample=6, rbf, kernelparams=list(gamma=1/10^13)) # compute and plot smoothed values: plotSliding(stjd, chromosome=3, sample=6,rbf, kernelparams=list(gamma=1/10^13),pch=20, main="Chromosome 3") } \keyword{ manip }