\author{Hao Wu} \name{write.madata} \alias{write.madata} \title{Write Micro Array data to a TAB delimited simple text file} \description{ This function is used to write the contents of an object of class \code{madata} to a TAB delimited simple text file. } \usage{ write.madata(madata, datafile="madata.txt", designfile="design.txt") } \arguments{ \item{madata}{The object to be output. It must be an object of class \code{madata}.} \item{datafile}{The output file name for the data.} \item{designfile}{The output file name for the design file.} } \examples{ # load abf1 data data(abf1) # take out first 6 arrays \dontrun{ smalldata <- subset(abf1, array=1:6) # write to file write.madata(smalldata, datafile="smallabf1.txt", designfile="smallabf1design.txt")} } \keyword{IO}