\author{Hyuna Yang} \name{summarytable} \alias{summarytable} \title{Summarize the matest result.} \description{ This function returns list of probe ID with p-value, FDR adjusted p-value or fold change selected by given threshold. } \details{ This function use } \usage{ summarytable(matestobj, method=c("Fold.change","Pvalperm","adjPvalperm"), test =c("F1","Fs"),whichTest=c("F1.Pvalperm","F1.adjPvalperm", "Fs.Pvalperm","Fs.adjPvalperm"), threshold, outfile="summarytable.csv") } \arguments{ \item{matestobj}{An object of class \code{matest}, which is the result from \code{\link[maanova]{matest}}.} \item{method}{Results that you want to include in the output among Fold.change, Pvalperm and adjPvalperm. Default is possible every field.} \item{test}{Test that you want to include in the output among F1, Fs and Fss. Default is possible every test.} \item{whichTest}{Test result used to get the subset. If whichTest is not provided, save all result. } \item{threshold}{Threshold that you want to get the subset. If threshold is not provided, save all result.} \item{outfile}{File name that you want to save the result. Default name is 'summarytable.csv'} } \value{ \item{result}{It returns result fields (among Fold.change, P-value or adjust P-value if you selected) from test statistics (among F1, Fs or Fss statistics if you selected), subsetted by given statistics ('whichtest') is smaller than 'threshold'.} \item{outfile}{.csv file saved under the working directory.} } \examples{ data(abf1) \dontrun{ fit.full.simple = fitmaanova(abf1,formula = ~ Strain) # F-test strain effect ftest.all = matest(abf1, fit.full.simple, term="Strain", n.perm= 1000) # make FDR adjusted P values ftest.all = adjPval(ftest.all, 'jsFDR') summarytable(ftest.all, outfile='all.csv') smallset = summarytable(ftest.all, method ='Pvalperm', test=c('F1','Fs'), whichTest='Fs.Pvalperm', threshold = 0.1) }} \keyword{utilities}