\author{Hao Wu} \name{riplot} \alias{riplot} \title{Ratio intensity plot for 2-dye Microarray experiment} \description{ This function only works for 2-dye array at this time. It will plot the log-ratio (log2(R/G)) versus log-intensity (log2(R*G)/2) figure for Micro Array experiment. Ideal RI plot will be points scattered around the y=0 horizontal line. This function works for \code{madata}. This function and \code{\link[maanova]{arrayview}} assume the data is on log2 based scale. So if your rawdata is not pre-transformed, you should not do riplot on the raw data. } \usage{ riplot(object, title, xlab, ylab, array, color = "blue",highlight.flag = TRUE, flag.color = "Red", idx.highlight, highlight.color = "Green", rep.connect = FALSE, onScreen=TRUE) } \note{ This function will plot one figure for each array. So if you have many arrays, there will be many figures generated. } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{madata}.} \item{title}{The title for figures. The default figure title is "RI plot for array number X". If the user wants to provide titles, be sure to provide a string array with the same number of elements as the number of arrays.} \item{xlab}{The xlab for figures. The default figure xlab is "expression(log[2](R*G))". One xlab would be used for all plot, thus unlike title, user (if one wants) need to provide only one name.} \item{ylab}{The ylab for figures. The default figure ylab is "expression(log[2](R/G))". One ylab would be used for all plot, thus unlike title, user (if one wants) need to provide only one name.} \item{array}{A list of arrays numbers for which you want to draw an RI plot.} \item{color}{The color for the points in scatter plot. Default is blue.} \item{highlight.flag}{A logical parameter to indicate whether to highlight the bad spots or not.} \item{flag.color}{The color for bad spots, default is red.} \item{idx.highlight}{A vector for highlighted spots other than bad spots.} \item{highlight.color}{The color for highlighted spots. Default is green.} \item{rep.connect}{A logical value to represent whether to connect the dots between the replicates or not.} \item{onScreen}{A logical value to represent whether to display the plots on screen or not. If TRUE, x11() (in Unix/Windows) or macintosh() (in Mac) will be called inside the function. Otherwise, it will plot the figure on the current device. Default is TRUE.} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(kidney) # riplot raw data on screen riplot(kidney.raw) graphics.off() # riplot raw data array 1 and 3 and output to postscript file postscript(file="kidneyRIplot.ps") riplot(kidney.raw, array=c(1,3), onScreen=FALSE) }} \keyword{hplot}