\author{Hao Wu} \name{dyeswapfilter} \alias{dyeswapfilter} \title{Gene filter for dye-swap experiment} \description{ This function is used to flag the questionable spot in any kind of dye-swap experiment. This function only works for 2-dye arrays. } \details{ For each pair of dye-swap, the difference in log ratios (d) are computed. Then compute the IQR (interquartile range) of d and convert that to Standard Deviation by SD = IQR/1.35. Any gene with d larger than r times SD will be flagged. Note that I assume in the input data object, the adjacent arrays is a dye-swap pair. } \usage{ dyeswapfilter(dataobj, r=4) } \arguments{ \item{dataobj}{An object of class \code{madata}.} \item{r}{A cut-off value for bad spot. The genes with log-ratio difference larger than r times standard deviation will be flagged.} } \value{ An object of class \code{rawdata} or \code{madata} with the \code{flag} field created or updated. } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(kidney) # riplot before filtering riplot(kidney.raw, array=1) # filter the gene rawdata <- dyeswapfilter(kidney.raw) # riplot again - some genes are highlighted riplot(rawdata, array=1)} } \keyword{models}