\name{PlotProfiles} \alias{PlotProfiles} \title{ Function for visualization of gene expression profiles } \description{ \code{PlotProfiles} displays the expression profiles of a group of genes. } \usage{ PlotProfiles(data, cond, main = NULL, cex.xaxis = 0.5, ylim = NULL, repvect, sub = NULL, color.mode = "rainbow") } \arguments{ \item{data}{ a matrix containing the gene expression data} \item{cond}{ vector for x axis labeling, typically array names } \item{main}{ plot main title} \item{cex.xaxis}{ graphical parameter maginfication to be used for x axis in plotting functions } \item{ylim}{ index vector indicating experimental replicates } \item{repvect}{ index vector indicating experimental replicates} \item{sub}{ plot subtitle } \item{color.mode}{ color scale for plotting profiles. Can be either \code{"rainblow"} or \code{"gray"}} } \details{ The \code{repvect} argument is used to indicate with vertical lines groups of replicated arrays. } \value{Plot of experiment-wide gene expression profiles. } \references{Conesa, A., Nueda M.J., Alberto Ferrer, A., Talon, T. 2005. maSigPro: a Method to Identify Significant Differential Expression Profiles in Time-Course Microarray Experiments. } \author{ Ana Conesa, aconesa@ivia.es, Maria Jose Nueda, mj.nueda@ua.es} \seealso{ \code{\link{PlotGroups}} } \examples{ #### GENERATE TIME COURSE DATA ## generate n random gene expression profiles of a data set with ## one control plus 3 treatments, 3 time points and r replicates per time point. tc.GENE <- function(n, r, var11 = 0.01, var12 = 0.01,var13 = 0.01, var21 = 0.01, var22 = 0.01, var23 =0.01, var31 = 0.01, var32 = 0.01, var33 = 0.01, var41 = 0.01, var42 = 0.01, var43 = 0.01, a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0, b3 = 0, b4 = 0, c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, c4 = 0) { tc.dat <- NULL for (i in 1:n) { Ctl <- c(rnorm(r, a1, var11), rnorm(r, b1, var12), rnorm(r, c1, var13)) # Ctl group Tr1 <- c(rnorm(r, a2, var21), rnorm(r, b2, var22), rnorm(r, c2, var23)) # Tr1 group Tr2 <- c(rnorm(r, a3, var31), rnorm(r, b3, var32), rnorm(r, c3, var33)) # Tr2 group Tr3 <- c(rnorm(r, a4, var41), rnorm(r, b4, var42), rnorm(r, c4, var43)) # Tr3 group gene <- c(Ctl, Tr1, Tr2, Tr3) tc.dat <- rbind(tc.dat, gene) } tc.dat } ## create 10 genes with profile differences between Ctl, Tr2, and Tr3 groups tc.DATA <- tc.GENE(n = 10,r = 3, b3 = 0.8, c3 = -1, a4 = -0.1, b4 = -0.8, c4 = -1.2) rownames(tc.DATA) <- paste("gene", c(1:10), sep = "") colnames(tc.DATA) <- paste("Array", c(1:36), sep = "") PlotProfiles (tc.DATA, cond = colnames(tc.DATA), main = "Time Course", repvect = rep(c(1:12), each = 3)) } \keyword{ aplot }