\name{plotSimilarity} \alias{plotSimilarity} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Draw a plot for the Similarity-class} \description{ This function draws a similarity plot for the \code{Similarity-class} objects. For further informations and examples refer to the package vignette (which can be opened using the \code{\link{openMadbVignette}}). } \usage{ plotSimilarity(ids, distances, data, template, restrict.to = min(5, length(data[, 1])), template.id = "custom", legend = TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{ids}{A list with the ids (rownames of the data matrix).} \item{distances}{The vector with the distances (each row of the data matrix to the template vector).} \item{data}{The data matrix (the expression or regulation patterns of a set of genes over a set of samples).} \item{template}{The template vector (the expression or regulation pattern of a gene over a set of samples).} \item{restrict.to}{How many patterns should be drawn. By default the 5 patterns with the smalles distance to the template pattern will be drawn.} \item{template.id}{The template gene id.} \item{legend}{If a legend should be drawn.} \item{\dots}{additional parameters.} } \value{ A plot of best matching gene expression or regulation patterns. } \author{ Johannes Rainer } \seealso{ \code{\link{Similarity-class}} } \keyword{methods}