\name{dbGetExperimentInfo} \alias{dbGetExperimentInfo} \title{List information about an experiment from the database.} \description{ \code{dbGetExperimentInfo} lists all experiments that are stored in the maDB database, or returns informations from a particular experiment. Refer to the package vignette for furhter informations or examples (vignette can be opened using the \code{\link{openMadbVignette}} function). } \usage{ dbGetExperimentInfo(Con,exp.title) } \arguments{ \item{Con}{The connection to the maDB database (created using the \code{dbConnect} function from the \pkg{RdbiPgSQL} function).} \item{exp.title}{The experiment title (name) from the experiment which properties should be listet. If nothing is submitted a list with all experiments that are stored in the database is displayed.} } \details{ This function collects information about the specified experiment (database) by joining several database tables. A table is returned, that contains all primary keys or foreign keys with wich all data can be accessed for the particular experiment from the various tables. This tables are: \describe{ \item{experiments}{Primary information about the experiment} \item{arrays}{the arrays od GeneChips which where used in the experiment} \item{signal\_channels}{in two color micro arrays two signal channels exist and therefore two entries in the signal\_channels table reference to one entry in the arrays table. For Affymetrix GeneChips the reference is one to one.} \item{exp\_values}{this table contains all the expression values from the corresponding signal channels of the experiment. The reference to the signal\_channels table is established by the signal\_channels\_fk column in the exp\_values table.} \item{samples}{Each entry in this table references to one or more entries in the signal\_channels table. This table contains informations about the samples that were hybridized onto the arrays.} } } %\references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ \code{\link{dbGetAnnotation}} \code{\link{publishToDB}} \code{\link{dbGetComparisons}} % \code{\link{dbConnect}} \code{\link{MadbSet-class}} } \keyword{data}