\name{Similarity-class} \docType{class} \alias{Similarity-class} \alias{getData,Similarity-method} \alias{getData} \alias{getDistances,Similarity-method} \alias{getDistances} \alias{plot,Similarity-method} \alias{print,Similarity-method} \alias{sort,Similarity-method} \title{Class "Similarity" } \description{This class holds information about the similarity between a vector and another one (or the rows or columns of a numerical matrix). An instance of this class will be returned as the result of the \code{\link{dbSearchSimilarPattern}} function. This object holds then information about the similarity (calculated with one of the different distance measurement functions (pearson, euclidian, spearman)) between a template gene pattern and a set of other gene expression or regulation patterns.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ The function \code{\link{dbSearchSimilarPattern}} returns an instance of this class. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{distances}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"}, this vector represents the distance (similarity) between numerical vectors.} \item{\code{distance.metric}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, the distance metric used to calculate the similarity.} \item{\code{data}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"}, the data matrix containing the values with which the template was compared.} \item{\code{template}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"}, the template vector.} \item{\code{template.id}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, the id of the template (if no custom template was used).} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{getData}{\code{signature(object = "Similarity")}: returns the data matrix.} \item{getDistances}{\code{signature(object = "Similarity")}: returns the distances.} \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "Similarity")}: plots the template and the 5 top matching vectors (see \code{\link{plotSimilarity}} for more options).} \item{print}{\code{signature(x = "Similarity")}: generic print function for the class Similarity.} \item{sort}{\code{signature(x = "Similarity")}: sorts the data ascending or descending according to the distance.} } } \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ \code{\link{dbSearchSimilarPattern}} \code{\link{plotSimilarity}} } \keyword{classes}