\name{writeEstProfile} \alias{writeEstProfile} \title{Write the estimated profile of copy number data} \description{ Function to write nicely the results of the copy number profile estimation. The function either writes the tables directly on a tab delimited file or returns the corresponding tables. } \usage{ writeEstProfile(path='', sampleName='', snpName, chr, position, logratio, chrToBeWritten, estPC, estBoundaries=NULL, postProbT=NULL, regrCurve=NULL, regr=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{path}{path of the folder where the user wants to write the results of the estimation (it must end with '\\' in windows, or '//' in linux). If \code{path=''}, they will be written in the working directory. If \code{path=NULL}, the tables will not be written on a file, but only returned by the function.} \item{sampleName}{name of the sample. If the name of the sample if provided, it is used to named the files.} \item{snpName}{array containing the name of each probe} \item{chr}{array containing the name of the chromosome to which each probe belongs. The possible values of the elements of \code{chr} are: the integers from 1 to 22, 'X' and 'Y'.} \item{position}{array containing the physical position of each probe} \item{logratio}{array containing the log2ratio of the raw copy number data} \item{chrToBeWritten}{array containing the name of the estimated chromosomes, of which the user wants to write the results. The possible values of the chromosomes are: the integers from 1 to 22, 'X' and 'Y'.} \item{estPC}{array containing the estimated copy number profile as a piecewise constant function} \item{estBoundaries}{list containing the vectors of the estimated breakpoints, for each of the chromosomes mentioned in \code{chrToBeWritten}. If \code{estBoundaries=NULL}, then this information is not written.} \item{postProbT}{list containing the vectors of the posterior probabilities to be a breakpoint of the estimated breakpoints, for each of the chromosomes mentioned in \code{chrToBeWritten}. If \code{postProbT=NULL}, then this information is not written in the file containing the estimated breakpoints.} \item{regrCurve}{array containing the estimated regression curve. If \code{regrCurve=NULL}, then the file containing this information is not written.} \item{regr}{choice of the computation of the regression curve. If \code{regr=NULL}, then the regression curve was not computed (then the file containing this information is not written), if \code{regr="BRC"} the Bayesian Regression Curve with \eqn{K_2} was computed (BRC with \eqn{K_2}), if \code{regr="BRCAk"} the Bayesian Regression Curve Averaging over k was computed (BRCAk).} } \details{ The function writes or returns at maximum three tables: -one containing the estimated profile with mBPCR (the columns are: 'SNPname', 'chromosome', 'position', 'rawLog2ratio', 'mBPCRestimate') -one containing a summary about the estimated profile with mBPCR (the columns are: 'SNPname(start)', 'SNPname(end)', 'chromosome', 'position(start)', 'position(end)', 'nProbes', 'mBPCRestimate' and, eventually, 'breakpointPostProb'). This table is not created if \code{estBoundaries=NULL}. -one containing the estimated profile with a regression curve (the columns are: 'SNPname', 'chromosome', 'position', 'rawLog2ratio' and the name of the regression curve used). This table is not created if \code{regrCurve=NULL}. } \examples{ ##import the 10K data of cell line REC data(rec10k) ##estimation of chromosome 5 results <- estProfileWithMBPCR(rec10k$SNPname, rec10k$Chromosome, rec10k$PhysicalPosition, rec10k$log2ratio, chrToBeAnalyzed=5, maxProbeNumber=2000) ##write the estimated profile of chromosome 5 in a file in the working directory writeEstProfile(path='', sampleName='rec10k', rec10k$SNPname, rec10k$Chromosome, rec10k$PhysicalPosition, rec10k$log2ratio, chrToBeWritten=5, results$estPC, results$estBoundaries, results$postProbT) #### the same result can be obtained in the following way, by using the function computeMBPCR for the estimation # ##estimation of the global parameters #param <- estGlobParam(rec10k$log2ratio) ##estimation of chromosome 5 #results <- computeMBPCR(rec10k$log2ratio[rec10k$Chromosome == 5], nu=param$nu, rhoSquare=param$rhoSquare, sigmaSquare=param$sigmaSquare) ##write the estimated profile of chromosome 5 in a file in the working directory #estPC <- array(dim=length(rec10k$SNPname)) #estBoundaries <- list(dim=1) #postProbT <- list(dim=1) #estPC[rec10k$Chromosome == 5] <- results$estPC #estBoundaries[[1]] <- results$estBoundaries #postProbT[[1]] <- c(results$postProbT[results$estBoundaries[-results$estK]],1) #writeEstProfile(path='', sampleName='rec10k', rec10k$SNPname, rec10k$Chromosome, rec10k$PhysicalPosition, rec10k$log2ratio, chrToBeWritten=5, estPC, estBoundaries, postProbT) } \keyword{file}