\name{logAdd} \alias{logAdd} \title{Overflow-safe computation of the logarithm of a sum} \description{ Function to compute the logarithm of a sum of small numbers, avoiding overflow. } \usage{ logAdd(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{array or matrix containing the logarithm of the terms of the sum. If \code{x} is a matrix, the function return the results by column.} } \value{ If \code{x} is an array, the function returns \eqn{log(sum_i(e^x[i]))}, otherwise it returns an array containing the results by column. } \examples{ x <- log(c(0.0001, 0.0003, 0.000006)) y <- logAdd(x) ##verification that the computation is correct z <- sum(c(0.0001, 0.0003, 0.000006)) z exp(y) } \keyword{math}