\name{estProfileWithMBPCR} \alias{estProfileWithMBPCR} \title{Estimate and print the copy number profile of some chromosomes of a sample} \description{ Function to estimate the copy number profile with a piecewise constant function using mBPCR. Eventually, it is possible to estimate the profile with a smoothing curve, using either the Bayesian Regression Curve with \eqn{K_2} (BRC with \eqn{K_2}) or the Bayesian Regression Curve Averaging over k (BRCAk). It is also possible to choose the estimator of the variance of the levels \code{rhoSquare} (i.e. either \eqn{\hat{\rho}_1^2} or \eqn{\hat{\rho}^2}) and by default \eqn{\hat{\rho}_1^2} is used. } \usage{ estProfileWithMBPCR(snpName, chr, position, logratio, chrToBeAnalyzed, maxProbeNumber, rhoSquare=NULL, kMax=50, nu=NULL, sigmaSquare=NULL, typeEstRho=1, regr=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{snpName}{array containing the name of each probe} \item{chr}{array containing the name of the chromosome to which each of the probes belongs. The possible values of the elements of \code{chr} are: the integers from 1 to 22, 'X' and 'Y'.} \item{position}{array containing the physical position of each probe} \item{logratio}{array containing the log2ratio of the raw copy number data} \item{chrToBeAnalyzed}{array containing the name of the chromosomes that the user wants to analyze. The possible values of the chromosomes are: the integers from 1 to 22, 'X' and 'Y'.} \item{maxProbeNumber}{maximum number of probes that a chromosome (or arm of a chromosome) can have to be analyzed. The procedure of profile estimation needs the computation of an array of length \eqn{(length(chromosome)+1)*(length(chromosome)+2)/2}. To be sure to have set this parameter correctly, try to create the array \code{A <- array(1, dim=(maxProbeNumber+1)*(maxProbeNumber+2)/2)}, before starting with the estimation procedure.} \item{rhoSquare}{variance of the segment levels. If \code{rhoSquare=NULL}, then the algorithm estimates it on the sample.} \item{kMax}{maximum number of segments} \item{nu}{mean of the segment levels. If \code{nu=NULL}, then the algorithm estimates it on the sample.} \item{sigmaSquare}{variance of the noise. If \code{sigmaSquare=NULL}, then the algorithm estimates it on the sample.} \item{typeEstRho}{choice of the estimator of \code{rhoSquare}. If \code{typeEstRho=1}, then the algorithm estimates \code{rhoSquare} with \eqn{\hat{\rho}_1^2}, while if \code{typeEstRho=0}, it estimates \code{rhoSquare} with \eqn{\hat{\rho}^2}.} \item{regr}{choice of the computation of the regression curve. If \code{regr=NULL}, then the regression curve is not computed, if \code{regr="BRC"} the Bayesian Regression Curve is computed (BRC with \eqn{K_2}), if \code{regr="BRCAk"} the Bayesian Regression Curve Averaging over k is computed (BRCAk).} } \details{ By default, the function estimates the copy number profile with mBPCR and estimating rhoSquare on the sample, using \eqn{\hat{\rho}_1^2}. It is also possible to use \eqn{\hat{\rho}^2} as estimator of \code{rhoSquare}, by setting \code{typeEstRho=0}, or to directly set the value of the parameter. The function gives also the possibility to estimate the profile with a Bayesian regression curve: if \code{regr="BRC"} the Bayesian Regression Curve with \eqn{K_2} is computed (BRC with \eqn{K_2}), if \code{regr="BRCAk"} the Bayesian Regression Curve Averaging over k is computed (BRCAk). See function \code{writeEstProfile}, to have the results in nicer tables or to write them on files. } \value{ A list containing: \item{\code{estPC}}{an array containing the estimated profile with mBPCR} \item{\code{estBoundaries}}{the list of estimated breakpoints for each of the analyzed chomosomes} \item{\code{postProbT}}{the list of the posterior probablity to be a breakpoint for each estimated breakpoint of the analyzed chomosomes} \item{\code{regrCurve}}{an array containing the estimated bayesian regression curve} \code{estPC} and \code{regrCurve} have the same length of \code{logratio}, hence their components, corresponding to the not analyzed chromosomes, are equal to \code{NA}. } \references{ Rancoita, P. M. V., Hutter, M., Bertoni, F., Kwee, I. (2009). Bayesian DNA copy number analysis. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics} 10: 10. \url{http://www.idsia.ch/~paola/mBPCR} } \seealso{\code{\link{plotEstProfile}}, \code{\link{writeEstProfile}}, \code{\link{computeMBPCR}}} \examples{ ##import the 10K data of cell line REC data(rec10k) ##estimation of the profile of chromosome 5 results <- estProfileWithMBPCR(rec10k$SNPname, rec10k$Chromosome, rec10k$PhysicalPosition, rec10k$log2ratio, chrToBeAnalyzed=5, maxProbeNumber=2000) ##plot the estimated profile of chromosome 5 y <- rec10k$log2ratio[rec10k$Chromosome == 5] p <- rec10k$PhysicalPosition[rec10k$Chromosome == 5] plot(p, y) points(p, results$estPC[rec10k$Chromosome == 5], type='l', col='red') ###for the estimation of the profile of all chromosomes #results <- estProfileWithMBPCR(rec10k$SNPname, rec10k$Chromosome, rec10k$PhysicalPosition, rec10k$log2ratio, chrToBeAnalyzed=c(1:22,'X'), maxProbeNumber=2000) } \keyword{regression} \keyword{smooth}