\name{estGlobParam} \alias{estGlobParam} \title{Estimate global parameters of copy number data} \description{ Function to estimate the global parameters of copy number data: the mean and the variance of the segment levels (called \code{nu} and \code{rhoSquare}, respectively), the variance of the noise (\code{sigmaSquare}). It is possible to choose the estimator of \code{rhoSquare} (i.e. either \eqn{\hat{\rho}_1^2} or \eqn{\hat{\rho}^2}) and by default \eqn{\hat{\rho}_1^2} is used. } \usage{ estGlobParam(y, nu=NULL, rhoSquare=NULL, sigmaSquare=NULL, typeEstRho=1) } \arguments{ \item{y}{array containing the log2ratio of the copy number data} \item{nu}{mean of the segment levels. If \code{nu=NULL}, then the algorithm estimates it on the sample.} \item{rhoSquare}{variance of the segment levels. If \code{rhoSquare=NULL}, then the algorithm estimates it on the sample.} \item{sigmaSquare}{variance of the noise. If \code{sigmaSquare=NULL}, then the algorithm estimates it on the sample.} \item{typeEstRho}{choice of the estimator of \code{rhoSquare}. If \code{typeEstRho=1}, then the algorithm estimates \code{rhoSquare} with \eqn{\hat{\rho}_1^2}, while if \code{typeEstRho=0}, it estimates \code{rhoSquare} with \eqn{\hat{\rho}^2}.} } \value{ A list containing: \item{\code{nu}}{} \item{\code{rhoSquare}}{} \item{\code{sigmaSquare}}{} } \references{ Rancoita, P. M. V., Hutter, M., Bertoni, F., Kwee, I. (2009). Bayesian DNA copy number analysis. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics} 10: 10. \url{http://www.idsia.ch/~paola/mBPCR} } \examples{ ##import the 10K data of cell line REC data(rec10k) ##estimation of all the global parameters (the variance of the segment is estimated with \eqn{\hat{\rho}^2_1}) estGlobParam(rec10k$log2ratio) } \keyword{univar}